Really portable Linux - No installation needed
If you want to know how linux feels like or if you just want to test linux on your computer, you can download one of these linux installers freely available on the internet. However, installing linux on the computer also is risky. The worst is your computer refuses to reboot, and you end up reformatting the whole hard disk to reinstall windows, thus losing all your important data. Believe me, it already occured to me once. In other instances, your linux will not recognize some peripheries such as mouce and key board. And many times, linux is difficult to uninstall.
However, there is a risk free solution. The solution is a portable linux. I found a truly portable linux ........ Read in Really Portable Linux - No installation Needed.
However, there is a risk free solution. The solution is a portable linux. I found a truly portable linux ........ Read in Really Portable Linux - No installation Needed.