Now in Mandalay

I am now in Mandalay, on my way back from Hakha to Yangon. I will be going back to Yangon for a few days. The trip from Hakha from Mandalay took more than 24 hours. I had to spend that 24 hours on a crowded bus. It is very tiring and all my back and knees are painful and my feet numb. I initially intended to go back to Yangon on the same day as my arrival to Mandalay but I was very tired and decided to take a rest in Mandalay for one night before going back to Yangon.
Mandalay has developed quite rapidly. The roads are cleaner and better with many new and beautiful modern buildings. The youngstars are also more fashionable than previously. There are also two modern shopping malls newly opened in Mandalay. Although they are small in size, at least people in Mandalay now feel like a real modern city.
The weather is cool in early morning but quite hot during the day, especially for somebody coming from a very cold place like Hakha where temperature is still near zero at this time. Last month, temperature in Hakha dropped to as low as minus four! Even while I was in Hakha last week, the temperature in Hakha was under five degree centegrade at night.
I got cold now because of dust and hot weather. I didn't get cold in Chin Hills although it is very cold over there. Eventually, I was turning into someone who cannot tolerate heat anymore. I have been in Chin Hills for more than two years now and I am now so accustomed to cold weather that the heat makes me feel sick.


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