Nhit-Lone, Thone-Lone

Well, nhit-lone and thone-lone are illegal lotteries popular and widespread in Myanmar. Nhit-lone means two-digit and thone-lone means three-digit. Although thone-lone has been around in Myanmar for more than twenty years, nhit-lone gained popularity just a few years ago. To play thone-lone (three-digit), the lottery ticket vendors use the last three digit of the Thai National Lottery. This Thai lottery is held once every two weeks, so thone-lone's winning number is also announced every two weeks. Winner gets 600 times the amount he paid for the ticket. To play nhit-lone, the vendors used, in the past, the last two digits of the first prize of the Myanmar government lottery. In the past, the Myanmar official lottery was open every month, for seven consecutive days, announcing the winning numbers every day. There was first price for that day and the last two digits of that winning first prize became the wining number of nhit-lone for that day. To stop this illegal lottery, Myanmar government changed the system of the Government lottery system. Now, all the numbers are chosen in a single day, making it impossible for the nhit-lone dealers to play. However, the nhit-lone dealers have a more brilliant way to keep their business running. They choose the SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand) for their lottery. Here, the last two digits of the closing SET index is chosen as the winning nhit-lone number of that day. So, it is now possible to play five days a week! That is worse than before.

Nhit-lone and thone-lone are so widespread in Myanmar that there is a lucrative business for soothsayers, astrologers and mediums who claim to be able to predict the winning number.


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