Latest news from my home

I could talk with my family in Yangon, Myanmar today. The internet is up and running now, and my father could use the internet at an internet cafe near our house. The line seems to be ok as we could use skype to talk to each other. Some roofs of our apartment building was damaged and we have to replace around 25 metal sheets. We also had to remove all the satellite dishes installed above our roof. The electricity and land line phones are still cut off, but municipal water is coming back. We had to buy a new electric generator (2 horse power) to pump water up to 4th floor. (Our house is in 4th floor). Apart from that, there is no serious damage to our house or near by houses. And there is no death in our township in Yangon.

On that day, wind was blowing too strong and water was coming in to our house. My grand ma's room and my sister's room were damaged (the roofs) bu Pa's room was still OK, so they have to sleep in Pa's room while Pa had to moved to the living room. The children were really scared and running around the house. The whole night was a hell.

After the cyclone, the prices of commodities rise up to 50% of that before the cyclone, but now stabilize to around 20% above the pre-cyclone level. Petrol price is now 5,000 kyats a gallon (around 4 US dollars).

Most of the main roads have been cleared of the debris and fallen trees. Electricity is coming back in a few area but most places are still without electricity. Municipal water is coming back.

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Erin said…
Myat - I thought you might want to know that AmeriCares, a nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian organization, has finally secured a visa for one of their relief workers, who is now on the ground in Myanmar. AmeriCares is working closely with the World Health Organization to help coordinate relief efforts. Let me know if you'd like additional information.

- Erin Skinner, on behalf of AmeriCares (
Anonymous said…
I'm (), VietNam

I like this blog is so cool

Anyway, It's nice to see your blog

God Bless you

Thanks for sharing. Again
MysteriouX said…
Petitions for UN to implement R2P

please spread the word for more signatures
MysteriouX said…

please spread the word

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