Email from Myanmar

The following is an email I got from my friend in Myanmar who is currently working as a doctor in Yangon General Hospital.

"All houses ' roofs are gone. Family is fine. Mum got the wound in her hand. Yangon house lost some roof, i 've repaired just for live. Don't worry. Twnate houses in Ohnpinsu, that can live. The other houses' roof gone. Khunchankone house are now repairing, but it'is not easy. Very expensive. Twantay loss 50% overall, Our fish ponds are OK. Kunchankone loss 80%, many live lost cos of sea water. at least 600 live. Taungbatpine damaged severly. Our relatives are still alive. I'm helping in hospital, many many patient.Someday i have to trip to Ayeyarwadi division for medic."

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