How to install Let's Encrypt free SSL certificate on NameCheap web hosting

I use NameCheap for hosting my websites. It's cheap, support is suburb and its reliable. The server is also very fast. The only downside is that they don't support Let's Encrypt SSL. You can actually install the Let's Encrypt certificate on the NameCheap server. It's just not automatically installed. You will need to manually install the certificate, which might be challenging for some people. I've written a detailed tutorial on how to install the Let's Encrypt certificate manually on the NameCheap server. You can read the whole tutorial at my other blog Tiny Tech Notes - How to install Let’s Encrypt manually on NameCheap . The tutorial will work not only on NameCheap but also on any web host with cPanel. Or any web hosting as long as you know how to upload files to the root folder and add TXT DNS records.