Morai and Nan Pha Long Market

About 10 minutes away from Tamu by bus is Morai, a town from India, and Nan Pha Long Market and village, in Myanmar. It cost only 200 kyats per person for a bus ride. There are many Indians from Morai coming to shop at Nan Pha Long Market. Marchandises on sale include those from China, Thailand, as well as foods and produsts from Myanmar. People from Tamu also come and buy Indian products too.

There is no fence between Morai and Myanmar side although there is a border check point. People could pass the border freely without restriction, and people from India could visit as far as Tamu.

Burmese citizens are not allowed to visit Morai but, because there is no fence, people from Tamu and Nan Pha Long simply go to Morai without any restriction. However, I was advised not to wander around in Morai as there are insurgents in Manipur. Occasional gun fights do happen in Morai. On Myanmar side, there is only peace. Inhabitants of Tamu usually refrain from talking about the Maniput insurgents as they are afraid of the insurgents.

Technorati Tag : Tamu, Kabaw Valley, Myanmar, Burma


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