
Falam is the capital of Falam District, Northern Chin State. There are two districts in Chin State, Falam in the north and Mindat in the south. Falam, Tiddim, Tunzan and Htantalan constitute Falam District.
Before 1965, Falam was the capital of Chin State. However, in 1965 the then Chin State Administration (Chin Uzi) decided to move the capital from Falam to Hakha which is in the center of the state and has potential to expand. Ironically in fact, the Chin State Administration was not moved from Falam, but from Kalay which was in Sagaing State, to Hakha. Although Falam was no longer the capital, it nevertheless retains part of its former glory. There are some two and three storied brick buildings in Falam, and a large and grand Baptist church in the center of the town.
Falam was built on the slope of a mountain range, in multiple steps. The town is quite clean and tidy. Girls from Falam are famous to be the most beautiful in the whole Chin State.
Almost all the people from Falam are Christians, with majority being Baptists. The living standard is quite high too.
Near Falam, you can visit and pay homage to the monastery where famous Buddhist Monk U Ottamathara once lived.

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