NYI LYNN SECK 18 DEN: Time to say Goodbye

NYI LYNN SECK 18 DEN: Time to say Goodbye

"Okie. I was wrong! I have to accept whatever I had done. So be it. Here
I published nearly 900 posts and I hope at least you could find out one
small useful tip from them. This blog will not be active anymore. For
my closed friends, I'll let you know when I start my new other blog.
Again!! I dont need visitors. I m just expressing myself here. So pls
stay away with me if you think I m insulting others. We, me and
Mayvelous were very sorry for previous post, it doesnt mean asking
forgiveness, that is what we truely believe. I do thank for everyone
who visited here and couraged me for making many posts. I love this
blog too much as myself. So I'll leave it as remembrance; likes old
diary, and I'll start my new one soon. No comment pls!" by Nyi Lynn Seck

I just read this post today, just a few minutes ago. I feel so sad and disappointed about his decision. I personally did not know him but i know his blogs. He has been writing for quite a long time. Perhaps the first professional Myanmar Blogger.
The problem started after Nyi Lynn Seck posted an article criticizing other bloggers on their design and lack of creativity. When many got angry, he decided it was time he should stop writing for a while. I do not believe this is a good and right decision. Here is my argument.

1. Internet is a free community. Blogger is also a free community of people. Although he criticize other bloggers, he didn't personally blame anyone. He just commented on general. No insult to anyone in particular. No one should feel insulted.

2. People don't like being criticized. However, if the criticism is a constructive one, people should accept it, or at least give it a serious consideration. In my opinion, NLS's article is just a constructive opinion.

3. People has the right to freedom of expression. NLS voiced his opinion. Other people who disagree can also voice their discontents too. There is no point NLS should feel sorry for that. A few criticism or opposition shouldn't deter one from his work or goal.

4. I strongly disagree with his first sentence, "
Okie. I was wrong! I have to accept whatever I had done". In my view, he has done nothing wrong. He just voiced his opinion. Those people who criticize also did not do anything wrong. They just voiced their opinions too. No one is wrong, and no one need to apologize anyone.

The best thing Nyi Lynn Seck should do is to keep on writing his blog. He should not stop just because he caused some stir in the blogger community. This is a community with freedom of expression, so people should respect other people's opinion whether they agree with them or not.

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NLS said…
Thx Ko MyatThura for your post! Hope to see more posts here. Cheer!
Khin said…
anything from anyone is welcomed to share the views

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