Myanmar Blog Directory

Here, the Burmese blogger Nyi Lynn Seck has compiled a list of Myanmar bloggers as well as some useful articles on how to set up a Myanmar Blog on the web. At Myanmar Blog Directory.


Anonymous said…
Just read news about Myanmar. The Snr General Than Shwe is going to skip the ASEAN meeting 'AGAIN'. Don't you still know, he will never go to the any summit as he doesn't want to meet anyone who want to ask him, ' When are you going to release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi?'.
One has to understand his mental mind set. As soon as Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested in 2003, he promoted Khin Nyut as Prime Minister as he wanted Khin Nyut to present Myanmar as head of the government to ASEAN meeting. He has ever since been trying to avoid any international summit/meeting which could give me any chance of embarrassement or question which he can't answer. ASEAN leaders have to realise this senior general is living in solitary confirnement. He is living in a dream of gripping to the power at any cost till he dies. This military was bred with believe that the soldiers are above the law and order and have the destine right to govern.
They also have paranoid that any dialogue is a mean of weakness and will eventually lead to lose power and disintegrate national unity. So hold on to the power while enjoying all the wealth that is brought by the power just for the sake of 'National Unity'.

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