Myanmar Weblogs (Blogs)

Here are some Myanmar weblogs (Blogs) I come across while surging the internet. Many of them are quite interesting and informative.

Go 2 Myanmar - Essential info for tourists - A very informative site for all tourists coming to Myanmar as well as for those interested in Myanmar. Lots of excellent photos and articles. A must see site.

Myanmar Culture - Another site with many excellent articles on Myanmar culture. A must see blog for those who are interested in Myanmar culture as well as those Myanmar people who don't know anything about their own culture. A very good work.

Au-Life - A blog of a Myanmar student attending the Assumption University, Thailand. Quite interesting although not strictly on Myanmar.

Arloo - The Myanmar fun blog, although not all articles are funny. However, it contains many informative articles.

Kabyar Chit Thu - A Myanmar poetry site. Burmese poems both in Myanmar and English.

Ping Long - Myanmar travel and tour agent information. News on travel and tourism in Myanmar.

Myanmar (Burma) Weblog
- Blog of a Christian mission to Burma.


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