Interesting Myanmar Websites

I will start posting the reviews on the Myanmar (Burmese) websites I have visited here. The reviews will be updated frequently and regularly so you should check this website every few weeks.

Here are some of the interesting sites I have visited recently.

Yangoncity - Official website of Yangon (Rangoon) City Development committee. Nice Myanmar site but uninformative. Lots of ads. Has a nice chat rooms. Also host an online community. Can also listen to the City FM Radio. Some Myanmar and Yangon news. Worth a try.

MM CGI - Myanmar CGI group's website. For geeks only.

Planet - Myanmar website for young people. If you are under 20 (or even 30), this is for you. Myanmar news, articles, Myanmar music, Myanmar chat rooms, Myanmar magazines, Myanmar cyber friends, and lots. Also has an online directory. Should visit.

Shwenet - Shwenet Myanmar online directory. My site is listed there. Myanmar (Burma) News. Shwenet online Myanmar Radio. Photos, jokes, poems, models, actresses, cartoons, ecards.

Zinyawni - My friend Ugly Duckling's site. Quite interesting and well executed. A real professional site. Music, downloads, forums, online community. Must visit site.

Burmese online - A must for all the Burmese people who really want to chat (and perhaps meet an online friend, or romance). The biggest Burmese (Myanmar) online community and chat rooms. Photo gallary. Definitely the most essential site for all those Burmese people out there.

Yellow Pages - Official Myanmar Yellow pages. Mostly out of service. You can try your luck. If you are really lucky, you might be able to see something (Hee hee).

Classical Songs - A site for old Myanmar classical songs.(Thi Chin Gyi). You can listen to some of the famous Myanmar old classical songs, if you are interested. (I am not interested so really don't know you can really listen to).

Professor - Another site of Myanmar rapper group. Some animations they made. Why not pay a visit.

Myanmar History - Only for those who are really interested in Myanmar history. Quite interesting articles on Myanmar (Burma, Burmese) history by professionals including U Aung Thaw, Col. Ba Shin, Daw Kyan, U Lu Pe Win, Takathou Maung Maung Gyi, Thiripyanchi U Mya, U Myint Aung, U Pe Maung Tin, U Sein Maung Oo, Taik Soe, U Than Swe, Dr. Than Tun, Henery Wotten, Dr. Yi Yi, Saya Zaw Gyi, Zayya.

Ayarwaddy - Myanmar photos on the web. Lots of very good photos on Myanmar (Burmese) culture, life, people, tradition, ethnic races, places. Include photos on Yangon (Rangoon), Bago, Mandalay, Bagan, Naga, Chin, Kachin, Shan, Inlay, Putao, Ayarwaddy, river dolphin, Pyinoolwin (Maymyo).

HSdejong - Another Myanmar photo site. A photographer from Europe who got married to a lady from Pagan. Lots of interesting photos on places in Myanmar and Myanmar way of life and culture.

Great Mirror - Another Myanmar photo site with a great collection of Myanmar photos.

Trek Earth - Myanmar photos on the web.

MyanmarMP3 - Free download for Myanmar MP3 songs. A great collection of modern Myanmar pop and rock. Registration required.

Myanmar Stamps - A site about Myanmar (Burma) stamps from colonial period till now. Very interesting site.


Unknown said… are blogging great.. keep it up
NLS said…
This is the one that Ive ever want to do like this.

Nyi Lynn Seck
Thanks men for viewing my blog and writing these encouraging comments. I will keep on updating my blog.

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