Kalay Myo

Kalay Myo which is situated in Sagaing Division, on the west bank of Chindwin River, is quite a large city. Being on the way to Tamu, which is the major border trading town on the Indian border, and also the port of entry to northern Chin State towns, including Hakha, Htangtalan, Tiddim, Tunzan and Falam, Kalay has established itself as a major commercial center on the west bank of Chindwin River.

Kalay has four wards, the most famous being Tarhan ward. About half the population are Chin people, mostly coming from northern Chin region. Many are from Tiddim, a large town in Northern Chin Hills. Almost all Chin people in Kalay are Christians. The living standard in Kalay is also high.

You can reach Kalay through Mandalay by bus or from Yangon or Mandalay by air. Air Bagan currently operates two flights a week. The ticket currently cost 68,000 kyats.

Regular bus services run from Kalay to Hakha, Falam, Tiddim and Tunzan everyday (except Sunday). These buses leave Kalay from bus station in Tarhan, whild small buses to Tamu leaves everyday from the bus station in downtown Kalay.

Taungzalat Hotel is situated in front of the Airport. Chin Taung Tan Guest House near Tarhan Bus station is cheap but quite clean and convenient for those who have to take bus to Falam and Hakha early in the morning. The price is 1500 kyats a person only.

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Anonymous said…
hi can i take a bus from bagan to kalaymyo? ad

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