I won't be able to update my blog for a while

Dear friends, I won't be able to update my blog for a while as I am now back in Myanmar and will be travelling to a remote area of Myanmar for a few months. There is no internet access overthere so I will be cut of from the rest of the world for a while. Anyway, there are many interesting things at the places I travel and I will also take lots of photos so I hope I will be able to post them here when I can use the internet again. I will update my blog, may be next two or three months. And will be able to tell you interesting stories about the culture, people, their life, places and many more.

If you are one of those who are thinking of coming to Myanmar, please don't hesitate. In a few months the rainy season will be over and many tourists will be coming to Myanmar. If you intend to come, book at least one month in advanced. The airline seats and hotel and guest-house rooms are fully booked at peak seasons in tourist areas, especially Bagan and Inlay, so you better be quick. And anyway, our country is a very beautiful and friendly country.


Anonymous said…
... I've found a very nice Myanmar blog out of billion web pages. Nice! You've made a good Meta description "Myanmar Man".


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